Greater Manchester and Eastern Cheshire (GMEC) St Marys Hospital Manchester MMC

Details of who to refer can be found here

All referrals to an MMC can be made through a referral system. This can lead to the following:


  1. Written response specifying opinion/view of MMC team
  2. Discussion at MMC MDT with written response to the referring provider
  3. Review in Specialist clinic
  4. Transfer of care
GMEC MMC at St Mary’s Hospital
Maternal Medicine MDT meeting Thursday 13:00-14:00 via Teams
MDT / MMC team Email:
Referral form Web:


On call Consultant Obstetrician:
Switchboard: 0161 276 1234
ask for Obstetric Consultant on call Bleep 6000 or via Vocera
Referrals should be made by 13:00 on the preceding Tuesday for listing on that week’s MDT, held every Thursday 13:00-14:00 on Teams. Please prepare a short presentation with relevant information.

Urgent referrals should contact the on call obstetric consultant through switchboard for immediate guidance as per the emergency advice in the above table.

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