About Us
The Northwest Maternal Medicine Network has a senior management team:

Dr Charlotte Bryant
Network Manager

Dr Mark Clement-Jones
Network Clinical Lead

Catherine Chmiel
Network Lead Midwife
Melissa Power / Lily Thompson
The senior team work in collaboration with clinical leads from each maternal medicine centre to form the networks Clinical Reference Group:

Emma Shawcat
Consultant Obstetrician and
St Mary’s MMC Clinical Lead

Clare Mumby
Consultant Physician Obstetric Medicine, Diabetes and Endocrinology and
St Marys MMC Clinical Lead

Emma McGoldrick
Consultant Obstetrician and Liverpool Women’s MMC
Clinical Lead

Dr Clare Taylor MBBS BSc FRCA
Consultant Obstetric Anaesthetist and MMC Lead at Royal Preston MMC
Vishal Sharma
Consultant Cardiologist at Royal Liverpool and Obstetric Physician and Liverpool Womens’s MMC Clinical Lead
Charlotte Cox
Consultant Obstetrician and Royal Preston MMC Clinical Lead
NW MMN Governance Structure and Reporting
The NW MMN is governed by the NW MMN board. The networks senior leadership team reports in to the board and also regionally to the North West Perinatal Board and Nationally to the Maternity Programme Board. The networks reporting structure is outlined below:
The NW MMN Board is a strategic group of executive and other senior personnel with an interest and expertise in the NW MMNs aims, outcomes and development. Board members meets every 3 months and receives reports from the MMN team regarding progress of work plans and identification of network risks.
The purpose of the North West Maternal Medicine Network Board (the Board) is to provide oversight of high quality individualised care for women requiring specialised services. It will identify and monitor strategic aims, align service development to national and local priorities and ensure identification of future needs to maintain and improve access and equity of service delivery to the required standards.
The work of the Board is underpinned by national and local transformation plans in maternity and neonatal care; this includes Better Births, Saving Babies Lives Care Bundle V2, the Neonatal Critical Care Review and the Ockenden Reports.
Functions of the NW MMN Board
The overarching function of the Board is to provide collaborative strategic oversight and decision making on:
• MMN funding arrangements, including controls of financial aspects/budgets
• Influence strategic commissioning decisions
• MMN and MMC strategic clinical modelling and development of clinical pathways
• Development and monitoring of KPIs and delivery outcomes
• Training and education across the whole provider landscape